"Al–Mughayyir begins to build its playground."
Please help us cross the funding finish line.
5 August—The al–Mughayyir kindergarten fundraiser has raised just over $6,000, I am pleased to report. It is enough to begin breaking ground.
This afternoon I deposited the money raised so far into an account for our West Bank Partners overseeing the disbursement of funds. (Less 3 percent that goes to GoFundMe.) And earlier today, Warda Abu Assaf, the head of al–Mughayyir’s kindergarten, signed a contract with a Nablus engineering firm to begin construction.
Relating this news is a delight.
With any luck, the playground will be finished, or close to it, before children begin school on 16 August. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this immensely worthy project!
Even with this success, we still need to raise an additional $3,825. It is a modest sum, reflecting the modesty of the project, but it is critical that those running it receive these funds. Who hasn’t driven by a half-built house, an abandoned school, or some other casualty of a financing shortfall? Let’s spare al–Mughayyir and its kindergartners this fate.
Al–Mughayyir is frequently raided by the Israeli Occupation Forces and by illegal settlers who live nearby. This playground will make a very big difference in the lives and childhood experiences of the village’s kindergartners. It will, among much else, bring joy into the lives of children for whom suffering is never far. It will help keep their minds and hearts from being poisoned by the constant uncertainty and fear with which they and their families must live.
If you have not already made a contribution, please consider doing so. Any amount will help us to meet our goal.
You can make a donation here. You can also help us by promoting this fundraiser and encouraging others to donate as well.
Shukran! Thank you!