May it be beautiful before me.
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
May it be beautiful all around me.
—from the Navajo Night Way Song
11 APRIL—On an unusually stressful day, in an unusually belligerent nation, on a world gone unusually mad, I was sole witness as a flock of Cedar Waxwings descended upon two crabapple trees in front of the Norfolk Library. They moved gracefully from branch to branch, sometimes hanging upside down, to pluck the winter fruit. Bright red flashed from their wings and yellow sparked from their tails. The Waxwings chattered happily.
There is truth and wisdom and love in our experience of beauty. May we be touched and transformed by it. May we all live in beauty.
Beautiful! Thank you.
Did someone carve that face in the living wood?