NOVEMBER 30—There are infinite excuses for inaction, for not pursuing a dream, for not trying. Usually it comes down to fear—the worst of reasons. Despite all of my many-sided fears—or perhaps because of them, their familiarity, like nothing so much as the lines on my face—today I launch Our Journey.
The pithy reflections to be published here document my journey from disability to health as I rejoin and rediscover the larger world. The reader can expect widely ranging topics. Any source of creative inspiration is open for deeper exploration. Over time others will be invited to contribute to Our Journey.
How will it be received? Will it even be read? These questions no longer interest me overmuch. It matters more that I follow through and usher into the world these thoughts and contemplations. The moments of our life are uncertain and tomorrow—as we always await our tomorrows—it will prove too late.
Any endeavor, however solitary it appears, is possible because of the support and goodwill of others. If the words in this Substack journal are all or mostly my own, Our Journey exists because of the kindness and generosity shown to me by family and friends, acquaintances and strangers, over many long years.
I thank each of these people for being excellent companions—confidents, teachers, and guides—on this journey we travel together.
Cheers to you, to your courage, to your fearlessness in the midst of fear!