Dear Friends and Readers,
With this letter Our Journey launches a new project. I’m calling it “Palestinian Voices” because my intent is to travel to Israel and the West Bank, listen to as many Palestinians as I can, and let their voices be heard.
I will make this journey in mid-April and am now hard at work planning it and arranging contacts in Ramallah and elsewhere. I am asking for your support to help make this project possible.
Palestinian experiences, perspectives, hopes, and aspirations are almost never given voice, especially in the United States. If they are rarely heard, they are even more rarely understood. Media reports and our public discourse are dominated by pro–Israel advocates and talking points. This, an insidious effort to dehumanize a people, is intended to shape public opinion and bolster uncritical support for Israel. And in this it is regrettably effective.
It is now a matter of urgency that Palestinians—from all walks of life—have a chance to be heard. The tragic and brutal circumstances under which they live will never change, and peace will never be possible, so long as silence is imposed upon them.
This is why I plan to travel to Palestine this spring. I intend to spend two weeks, primarily in the West Bank, recording conversations and bringing Palestinian realities and voices directly to you and a wider audience.
I have budgeted this project carefully and set a funding goal of $6,500. Donations will be used to cover costs of air travel, ground transportation, accommodations, sustenance, and guides and translators.
I started a GoFundMe campaign to help finance this project. Please join me in this effort to honor Palestinians by letting their voices be heard as they deserve to be honored and heard. This is one way we can make a difference together. It is a question of raising awareness, and of changing the discourse.
I chose GoFundMe because it offers a wide range of donation options, including debit and credit cards for those who wish to avoid PayPal. However, please be aware that the site automatically adds a hefty tip to your donation. You can avoid the charge by selecting another tip amount or by cancelling the option altogether.
You can make donations through GoFundMe by clicking here.
You can donate through my personal PayPal account here.
Those who prefer, can mail a check to this address:
Cara MariAnna 2211 Teal Court Bellingham, WA 98229
Donors who give up to $50 will get a six-month subscription to Our Journey. Everyone who makes a donation of $50 or more will get a one-year subscription. All donors will have priority access to my reporting during and after my journey.
If you make a donation, please be sure to send me your email address so I can get you a complimentary subscription:
Thank you for reading Our Journey. I hope you will find “Palestinian Voices” worthy of your support.
—C. M.
You deserve more commentary, C.M.
Before you get there . . .
The true basis of The Wealth of The Anglosphere -
The Political Economy of Genocide.
Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.
An answer to the question “what can we do?”. It’s a bold plan. I wish you success, and safe travels.