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Jeff, I assume that "yes" constitutes your answer to my questions. Many Americans are clearly already suffering collateral damage from U.S. militarism and our astronomical military budget. For reasons I don't fully understand, few Americans seem to make the obvious connection. No doubt the explanation has much to do with propaganda and the corruption of the media. What a tragedy for the world.

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Indeed it does. I agree that it's partly propaganda (which we're not supposed to be on the receiving end of) and it's partly the media with their stenographic relationship with the government (after all Robert Parry founded CN because Newsweek refused to publish his piece on the Iran Contra affair.) beyond that, I think many Americans are brainwashed with the exceptionalism bullshit and have a frog in the pot of hot water syndrome. It's getting hotter but we aren't getting cooked just yet.

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Thank you, Cara. No one should take their eyes away from this barbarism. And at least the barbarians of past history didn't lie about what they were doing, unlike the mendacity being shoveled at us now.

Totally unrelated and on a personal note, I grew up in nearby Sharon.

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Thanks, George. Last night I watched the documentary "Israelism." It shines a light on the frightening indoctrination of young American Jews into Zionism and also how some of them are starting to challenge the lies they were taught. Right now its available for $5 online and is well worth watching: https://www.israelismfilm.com/

Sharon is lovely. My Taiji teacher lives there, so I am somewhat familiar with the village. I love the library.

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If only there was a way for people to understand suffering of others, and then take steps to stop it, without having to suffer themselves. I think it's called empathy, and some of us have it. Reading a book can do it for some. I do not, ever, want any one to suffer for my cause. How could they if my cause is peace, justice and respect for all living beings?

Let us each one make our own donations to UNRWA USA through their website, leaving a strong message, that we the people will do what our governments won't.

There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza in order to comply with the ICJ ruling. Not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.




Ceasefire Now



These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Beautiful comment. Thank you, Joy in HK. I also will donate to UNRWA.

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Do a search on UNWRA's budget. It is shocking how little it was in 2023. I don't know how they have managed to keep the Gazans alive. If every person who was sympathetic to the plight of Gazans (and frankly all Palestinians) donated just one dollar to UNWRA, their coffers would be overflowing compared to the budget they had with all these governments contributing. What's with that? Pathetic. Frankly I think the source of most of our problems is testosterone. That and the worst racism on the planet.

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Trump cut funding to UNRWA during his term, at the behest of Israel. So the agency has been struggling for awhile. As to the source of our problems, testosterone cannot explain all the good men who tirelessly work for peace and justice. Nor can it explain all the war-mongering women like Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Nancy Pelosi, Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, et al. Racism is certainly inextricably linked with militarism as MLK understood and articulated very well. Of course, plenty of POC support U.S. empire and aggression. Perhaps a combination of ignorance, greed, and fear explains a lot of what's happening. Anyway, just some thoughts. Thank you for your comment!

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Yes, I know what Trump did. I am sure he is still capable of shocking me with his behavior if we are so stupid as to allow him in. I did support UNWRA during his term in order to try to mitigate some of the damage. The situation was bad then, but nothing like what it is now. The war-mongering women you mention are all what I would call "wannabees". That is, wannabe men. Sorry, but I'm not White. So MLK is not the be-all and end-all of understanding racism in my book. I prefer to talk about Malcolm X's understanding of racism (and imperialism) at the very end of his life. I'm not sure "plenty" of POC support US empire and aggression. Some do. But a lot do not because it has hurt members of their own families. Plenty POC might participate in it because they don't have a lot of options. And some POC, like many Whites, want personal agency and choose to get it that way. Among the expats I knew in the M.E. growing up, I actually didn't know any POCs who supported US empire and aggression. (Outside of the military, there weren't very many POC expats, in truth.) Members of the ruling class in the countries I lived in did, but only because they personally benefited from it. In the U.S., all forms of racism are looked down upon by the liberal class. Except for anti-Arab/Muslim/Middle Eastern racism and racism mis-directed at groups they are too ignorant to realize they are not Middle Eastern, Arab, nor Muslim (like the Sikhs). Those are apparently approved of, largely because of the pro-Israeli lobby and its tentacles in our entertainment and media and political class.

Beyond this substack, where can I find more info on your art and writing? You are a breath of fresh air. And literate (in the deeper sense of the word) to boot!

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Thank you for another thoughtful and insightful comment, and for the reminder about Malcom X. His life and work are largely ignored by the establishment and within the larger culture for obvious reasons... Too dangerous, too threatening to established power. There is no other source for my work at present. Bless you for asking. It comes as profound encouragement at just the right moment. (Grateful for the link to Hedge's interview of Noura Erakat.) There is so much to be watching, reading, listening to that important things slip by. Peace. Cara

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Get your work in print. Now. What are you waiting for??? The End Times? Not coming!

Malcolm X would have loved to be alive right now, I think. The Middle East is coming into its own. Again! Check out Vanessa Beeley's substack today--on what the Western media's coverage of their "retaliation against Iranian proxies" REALLY means. Everyone should listen to this podcast.


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Jan 31
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Indeed. It is up to the rest of us. Peace, my friend.

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