A lovely prayer, Cara. You should consider writing them for religions, some of them need the help. The description in your prayer is worthy of reality. I spent a week in Israel back in 1998 and I was there working for McDonnell Douglas, not vacation. We were mostly in Tel Aviv but since Israel would pretty easily fit in the confines of Connecticut, we got around Caesarea, the Dead sea, Jerusalem etc. But for the most part I was relatively uncomfortable. But then, in Jerusalem, I turned a corner and I suddenly found myself in the Arab quarter. And suddenly I relaxed. The people that were with me got nervous but I just wandered in and started talking to people. I felt I was back in downtown Tehran. The best way to break the ice with an Iranian is to start talking about your family. The Palestinians are the same.

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Thanks, Jeff. You certainly have lived in some interesting and troubled parts of the world. Look for an email in the next few days. Peace. C

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May this dream come true.

There must be a permanent ceasefire in Gaza in order to comply with the ICJ ruling. Not with Palestinians suffering under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Code pink


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Thank you, Joy in HK. You help me feel not so alone or indeed so powerless. It is good to be standing with you on the right side of history.

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What a beautifully written prayer, Cara! Words are Mind in Motion (Thoughts) and when acted upon, creating the desired effect the problem or condition becomes manifest in the physical presence. and is resolved or partially resolved.

The Persian Sage, Zarathustra, summed it up in six words: GOOD THOUGHTS, GOOD WORDS, GOOD DEEDS. 63 years later, after reading the passage about him, I'm still struggling with thoughts and words, but at least have an above average grade on my Soul (I think) in Good Deeds.

Getting back to what's actually transpiring in Gaza, now, will the world stay complacent and let the Zionist fanatics continue with the extermination of Palestinians in their own land?

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Thank you, Frank. Sadly, I fear the answer to your question is "yes." Although there seems to be a new current moving with the court ruling in the Netherlands and with Josep Borrell's comments that perhaps the Western countries need to stop arming Israel.

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Cara, I join in your beautiful prayer for this vision of peace. Would that we could cast the seeds of peace among the barrenness of a land made cruel through years of hate and fear; from acts understood and seemingly invisible forces, never to be understood.

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Thank you, Tom. Beautifully, powerfully, and poetically stated. I begin to think we have passed into a time when language used in ways much closer to poetry can penetrate most deeply and even accurately into our individual and collective situation -- the moment we find ourselves in -- with all of the anguish, rage, horror, despair, and often broken hope that accompanies it.

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Kind and generous words ... I have always appreciated the Old Testament scholar, Walter Breuggemann, (now 90) who refers to the power of the prophets as poets. He is a master at placing the power of their words in context of the evils of their days and as they still ring powerfully in our own day. He is a true man of peace, justice and reconciliation.

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I don't agree that the murderous cruelty of the Nazi regime is commensurate to the Jewish state's murderous cruelty toward Palestinians. The Jews of all people should have learned better. Heavy reparations are in order, even to the brink of the poverty under which the Palestinians have tried to survive. Atone, I say, in the name of justice.

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I certainly hear you. I find that it is the Jewish voices raised in protest and anguish that are among the most powerful right now. Israel does not represent world Jewry and many Jews are anti-Zionist. Young American Jews are increasingly rejecting the false history and lies they have been told. This is hopeful.

You may be interested to read Caitlin Johnstone's post from yesterday, "Israel Weaponizes Sympathy And Victimhood." I specifically point you to the long tweet Caitlin links to that was posted on X, written by an anti-Zionist Arab Jew who analyzes in some detail the way trauma and hate have been weaponized by Israel and Zionists. https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/israel-weaponizes-sympathy-and-victimhood

Thank you for your comment!

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I couldn't agree more. Interestingly the Zionists are demonstrating the truth in the following quotation: "The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it."

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Love to you dear friend. These are unbearably moving words.

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