Well done Cara. Long ago and far away in a distant galaxy, I supported Israel. Then I found out what they had done. One of the problems I have with a lot of this is that Jew is not a nationality, it is the votary of a specific religious sect – a member of one of a small number of tribes that lived roughly in what we call the Levant today. But archeologists have discovered Jewish catacombs under Rome dating to ~200BC – i.e. before Rome's conquest of the area. As the Roman Empire of the East became the only outpost of the Roman empire, we had the crusades to "rescue" the holy land from the Arab hordes of infidels. A number of the European heavies moved in, built castles ala Europe and created their own petty kingdoms. They were all gone 100 years later. I have in the past predicted the same fate for the present state of Israel. Then, as now, as Jim Kable said so succinctly – a land called Israel built upon the story of theft and murder - a very very shaky foundation (indeed). No basis for supreme executive authority as Monty Python would say......
Very touching, Cara! Unfortunately these kinds of stories are not allowed to be shown or told on mainstream media in Zionist controlled media outlets in the U.S. or abroad..
As you mentioned Rabin in your narrative, I think it's important to mention the fact that when he was Prime Minister of Israel, and tried his best in helping the Palestinians, he was assassinated, not by an Arab, but by a fellow Jew, a crazed Zionist.
For what the Palestinian people have had to put up with for over three-quarters of a century against the oppressive and murderous Zionist Nazis of Israel, which, with plenty of $$$ to buy political influence in the former European colonial powers and most importantly, the Imperial States of America, the Palestinian people are a hardy bunch with moral and spiritual strength akin to Olympic champions, even now, as the new Holocaust in Palestine continues, which from the beginning was the intent of the Zionist goal.
I feel sorry for honest Jews, as they must be ashamed of the Neo-Nazis Israelis and the American and European fellow travelers who have profited with blood money for passing anti-BDS laws and now trying to pass legislation against criticizing the genocide in Palestine, calling it "anti-semitic." So what? The truth is the truth and must be told and more importantly, is there any nation who will come to Palestine with a military force to stop the slaughter? Otherwise, the extermination continues with our tax dollars supporting the evil misanthropes of Israel.
“Why do they do this? Who behaves this way?” Sixty-seven years old, and I still ask this on a daily basis. When I think of the legacy I would want to have as a world leader, I am left confounded why these people insist on making excrement of theirs. It's enough to make one ponder demonic possession as a real possibility. They certainly desecrate the prophets of old and of our own time.
Cara, I'm a paid supporter too and would also prefer your series to be open to all comers. Obviously your choice.
Very much enjoyed this first report. Thank you.
If you recorded your interviews, I for one would be interested in listening to some of them. Your posts have to strike a balance between the broader background and individual conversations, but if you have the material you could create something quite unique by putting together a cloud archive of available recordings with brief details. A sort of oral library.
What a great idea! I did not record any of the interviews. Frankly, I didn't want to travel through Ben-Gurion with a recorder in my possession. I was trying to keep below the radar. But I plan to return to Palestine in September, if I can get into the country. I will keep this thought very much in mind. Later today I will republish on The Floutist and Winter Wheat removing the paywall. Your input, and the comment posted by forceOfHabit, was helpful to me in making the decision. Thank you for your comment and support!
I'm anything but an expert in these matters, but one possibility might be to do your recordings on a smartphone, immediately beam them up to the cloud and then, if it seems prudent, delete them from the phone.
In any case, whatever you decide, I look forward to hearing about it in due course.🙏
I am unsure what I have just done - already subscribed I appear to have set up a new subscription. If the other response has disappeared let me say again how much I appreciate this view from Cara Marianna's recent time in Palestine. And her interview with Samia. It reminded me of how as a callow chap in my early 20s a first visit to Europe - spring-boarding on from western Asia from what was supposed to be a brief in-transit kind of stopover in Tel Aviv - before flying on later the same day to Athens. This part of the travel had been suggested by my travel agent, his name Joe Millet - born in Vienna in 1924 - transported to Australia at Churchill's orders on the infamous ship the "Dunera"along with many other - mostly young - Jewish escapees out of Germany and Austria and other parts to England during increasingly dangerous times as Hitler consolidated his reach - and henceforth known in Australia - and further afield - as The Dunera Boys. One can read the whole sorry saga in Dunera Lives (Profiles) Monash University Press 2020 (Ken Inglis, Bill Rammage, Seumas Spark and Jay Winter - with (logistician) Carol Bunyan - the latter a senior high history student of mine at Hay War Memorial HS in 1972. This was where I was teaching when organising the European travels over our summer vacation (mid-December 1972-early February 1973) and Joe Millet told me that he had spent some of the WWII years in Hay interned. So I landed at Lod Airport. This was the former village of Lydd - ethnically cleansed in 1948 - property - houses and goods/things - stolen. People dying. As described in this report. (Some eight months before my arrival the Japanese Red Army Faction had shot up the Airport - the bullet holes remained in the large glass windows overlooking the Airport - and my plans for a tour into Tel Aviv were stymied - spending the next six or seven hours within its tiny transit section before taking my plane on to Athens.) The airport underwent a name change - nowadays called Ben-Gurion Airport. Here in Australia at this very moment one lone Western Australian Senator in the national Parliament in Canberra is courageously defying the orders of the former party of the left (the Australian Labor Party) to adhere to party solidarity and vote against moves to declare for a Palestinian state. She is Fatima Payman. You can google the situation. I say "former party of the left" because from its current position on the right of centre it is clearly run by the Zionist lobbies in Australia. With whom it meets - from whom it has from decades ago accepted free trips to Israel (along with politicians from the far right - and the far right media, too) - funded by the Zionist lobby within Australia. Just last year a photo of some well-known Australian journalists surfaced - wallowing in mud - at some Israeli (hot-spring?) resort. The same ones who massage our views of how we must understand the middle-east and its perspectives - from the Israeli point of view. Your report CM gives the truth - a land called Israel built upon the story of theft and murder - a very very shaky foundation - and you have carried forward the witness story. Spreading the truth ever onwards and more broadly around the world. I will send a copy to my local Federal MP - he's a Minister within the current government. Someone in his office will read it...even should it be kept from him - the old "plausible deniability" strategy no doubt well in place. Thanls again - you and PL. Sincerely, Jim
Thank you for weighing in on the matter of a paywall. As I have already been reconsidering the wisdom of it, for the reason it seems important to have as wide an audience as possible for this series, I will take your input under serious consideration. And thank you for your support!
I was prevented from accessing this yesterday when notified of a couple of people who had "liked" it - following my letter below (or above) but now find my access restored... Jim
Well done Cara. Long ago and far away in a distant galaxy, I supported Israel. Then I found out what they had done. One of the problems I have with a lot of this is that Jew is not a nationality, it is the votary of a specific religious sect – a member of one of a small number of tribes that lived roughly in what we call the Levant today. But archeologists have discovered Jewish catacombs under Rome dating to ~200BC – i.e. before Rome's conquest of the area. As the Roman Empire of the East became the only outpost of the Roman empire, we had the crusades to "rescue" the holy land from the Arab hordes of infidels. A number of the European heavies moved in, built castles ala Europe and created their own petty kingdoms. They were all gone 100 years later. I have in the past predicted the same fate for the present state of Israel. Then, as now, as Jim Kable said so succinctly – a land called Israel built upon the story of theft and murder - a very very shaky foundation (indeed). No basis for supreme executive authority as Monty Python would say......
Cara, you are a beautiful writer. This is unbearably moving and compelling. Thank you for what you are doing, as always. Sending love.
Very touching, Cara! Unfortunately these kinds of stories are not allowed to be shown or told on mainstream media in Zionist controlled media outlets in the U.S. or abroad..
As you mentioned Rabin in your narrative, I think it's important to mention the fact that when he was Prime Minister of Israel, and tried his best in helping the Palestinians, he was assassinated, not by an Arab, but by a fellow Jew, a crazed Zionist.
For what the Palestinian people have had to put up with for over three-quarters of a century against the oppressive and murderous Zionist Nazis of Israel, which, with plenty of $$$ to buy political influence in the former European colonial powers and most importantly, the Imperial States of America, the Palestinian people are a hardy bunch with moral and spiritual strength akin to Olympic champions, even now, as the new Holocaust in Palestine continues, which from the beginning was the intent of the Zionist goal.
I feel sorry for honest Jews, as they must be ashamed of the Neo-Nazis Israelis and the American and European fellow travelers who have profited with blood money for passing anti-BDS laws and now trying to pass legislation against criticizing the genocide in Palestine, calling it "anti-semitic." So what? The truth is the truth and must be told and more importantly, is there any nation who will come to Palestine with a military force to stop the slaughter? Otherwise, the extermination continues with our tax dollars supporting the evil misanthropes of Israel.
“Why do they do this? Who behaves this way?” Sixty-seven years old, and I still ask this on a daily basis. When I think of the legacy I would want to have as a world leader, I am left confounded why these people insist on making excrement of theirs. It's enough to make one ponder demonic possession as a real possibility. They certainly desecrate the prophets of old and of our own time.
Cara, I'm a paid supporter too and would also prefer your series to be open to all comers. Obviously your choice.
Very much enjoyed this first report. Thank you.
If you recorded your interviews, I for one would be interested in listening to some of them. Your posts have to strike a balance between the broader background and individual conversations, but if you have the material you could create something quite unique by putting together a cloud archive of available recordings with brief details. A sort of oral library.
What a great idea! I did not record any of the interviews. Frankly, I didn't want to travel through Ben-Gurion with a recorder in my possession. I was trying to keep below the radar. But I plan to return to Palestine in September, if I can get into the country. I will keep this thought very much in mind. Later today I will republish on The Floutist and Winter Wheat removing the paywall. Your input, and the comment posted by forceOfHabit, was helpful to me in making the decision. Thank you for your comment and support!
My pleasure.
I'm anything but an expert in these matters, but one possibility might be to do your recordings on a smartphone, immediately beam them up to the cloud and then, if it seems prudent, delete them from the phone.
In any case, whatever you decide, I look forward to hearing about it in due course.🙏
I am unsure what I have just done - already subscribed I appear to have set up a new subscription. If the other response has disappeared let me say again how much I appreciate this view from Cara Marianna's recent time in Palestine. And her interview with Samia. It reminded me of how as a callow chap in my early 20s a first visit to Europe - spring-boarding on from western Asia from what was supposed to be a brief in-transit kind of stopover in Tel Aviv - before flying on later the same day to Athens. This part of the travel had been suggested by my travel agent, his name Joe Millet - born in Vienna in 1924 - transported to Australia at Churchill's orders on the infamous ship the "Dunera"along with many other - mostly young - Jewish escapees out of Germany and Austria and other parts to England during increasingly dangerous times as Hitler consolidated his reach - and henceforth known in Australia - and further afield - as The Dunera Boys. One can read the whole sorry saga in Dunera Lives (Profiles) Monash University Press 2020 (Ken Inglis, Bill Rammage, Seumas Spark and Jay Winter - with (logistician) Carol Bunyan - the latter a senior high history student of mine at Hay War Memorial HS in 1972. This was where I was teaching when organising the European travels over our summer vacation (mid-December 1972-early February 1973) and Joe Millet told me that he had spent some of the WWII years in Hay interned. So I landed at Lod Airport. This was the former village of Lydd - ethnically cleansed in 1948 - property - houses and goods/things - stolen. People dying. As described in this report. (Some eight months before my arrival the Japanese Red Army Faction had shot up the Airport - the bullet holes remained in the large glass windows overlooking the Airport - and my plans for a tour into Tel Aviv were stymied - spending the next six or seven hours within its tiny transit section before taking my plane on to Athens.) The airport underwent a name change - nowadays called Ben-Gurion Airport. Here in Australia at this very moment one lone Western Australian Senator in the national Parliament in Canberra is courageously defying the orders of the former party of the left (the Australian Labor Party) to adhere to party solidarity and vote against moves to declare for a Palestinian state. She is Fatima Payman. You can google the situation. I say "former party of the left" because from its current position on the right of centre it is clearly run by the Zionist lobbies in Australia. With whom it meets - from whom it has from decades ago accepted free trips to Israel (along with politicians from the far right - and the far right media, too) - funded by the Zionist lobby within Australia. Just last year a photo of some well-known Australian journalists surfaced - wallowing in mud - at some Israeli (hot-spring?) resort. The same ones who massage our views of how we must understand the middle-east and its perspectives - from the Israeli point of view. Your report CM gives the truth - a land called Israel built upon the story of theft and murder - a very very shaky foundation - and you have carried forward the witness story. Spreading the truth ever onwards and more broadly around the world. I will send a copy to my local Federal MP - he's a Minister within the current government. Someone in his office will read it...even should it be kept from him - the old "plausible deniability" strategy no doubt well in place. Thanls again - you and PL. Sincerely, Jim
"For the first time I have put a paywall up in recognition of those who generously supported my trip to the West Bank."
No, no, no! It's up to you of course (and I understand the need to make a living), but I'm a paid supporter but I would strongly prefer no paywall.
Thank you for weighing in on the matter of a paywall. As I have already been reconsidering the wisdom of it, for the reason it seems important to have as wide an audience as possible for this series, I will take your input under serious consideration. And thank you for your support!
I was prevented from accessing this yesterday when notified of a couple of people who had "liked" it - following my letter below (or above) but now find my access restored... Jim
I have a technical question. How can there be comments dated June 9 to an article apparently published on June 30?
Odd. The June 9 comments (there were two of them) have now disappeared.
I believe you. Even though I have no idea what you saw. I find that the internet is sometimes utterly inexplicable.