Excellent article, Cara. Thank you (referring to the piece on AIPAC). I haven't finished the whole thing yet, as it's really comprehensive, but well-laid-out arguments & showing how our own representatives don't always work in our interests, to say the least. I would say there are mirror images to it on the Christian side, from the influence of evangelicals that helped elect Trump in 2016 to the "National Prayer Breakfast" that's attended by members of the corporate Uniparty.
So happy that Patrick picked it up for The Floutist! He's terrific. I caught it because it got republished in Consortium News, which is an Indie Media Award winning outlet that I subscribe to & support.
Indie, thank you for your comment. It's always heartening to know there are people reading and paying attention who are thoughtful and well-informed and that we are all standing on the same side together.
Sober article, Cara. I signed the petition as it sounds like a good idea, but Pope Francis better be careful if he goes to Gaza and labeled a terrorist for the Palestinian cause and shot by Israeli snipers.
If humane people who are protesting in the streets at the bloodthirsty Zionist Nazi wannabees wonder why the U.S. government continues to support the extermination of the Palestinian people by the Masters of Propaganda, they need to do the research, then the math. A good starter is an article by a courageous and sensible man whom I've been reading his articles for many years, is by Philip Giraldi, PhD.
Judge for yourselves, Journey readers. If "The Final Solution To The Jewish Question" (the official nomenclature from the Wansee Conference in early 1942 Germany) was wrong -WHICH IT WAS - then The Final Solution against the Palestinian people which has been going on for over 75 years, little by little, is JUST AS WRONG as was ethnic cleansing by the Waffen SS of some of the European Jews. Murder is murder, unequivocally, period!
Texans used to say, "Remember the Alamo!" Americans should be saying, "Remember the USS Liberty!"
Well, Cara, I saw Joy in HK's comment originally but seeing you repost it prompted me to join it. I'm glad somebody's reading the NYT so I don't have to.
EXCELLENT Proposal. However, not even Reporters are permitted Entrance to DCs Israeli DEATH CAMP HOLOCAUST
Excellent article, Cara. Thank you (referring to the piece on AIPAC). I haven't finished the whole thing yet, as it's really comprehensive, but well-laid-out arguments & showing how our own representatives don't always work in our interests, to say the least. I would say there are mirror images to it on the Christian side, from the influence of evangelicals that helped elect Trump in 2016 to the "National Prayer Breakfast" that's attended by members of the corporate Uniparty.
So happy that Patrick picked it up for The Floutist! He's terrific. I caught it because it got republished in Consortium News, which is an Indie Media Award winning outlet that I subscribe to & support.
Indie, thank you for your comment. It's always heartening to know there are people reading and paying attention who are thoughtful and well-informed and that we are all standing on the same side together.
Sober article, Cara. I signed the petition as it sounds like a good idea, but Pope Francis better be careful if he goes to Gaza and labeled a terrorist for the Palestinian cause and shot by Israeli snipers.
If humane people who are protesting in the streets at the bloodthirsty Zionist Nazi wannabees wonder why the U.S. government continues to support the extermination of the Palestinian people by the Masters of Propaganda, they need to do the research, then the math. A good starter is an article by a courageous and sensible man whom I've been reading his articles for many years, is by Philip Giraldi, PhD.
Judge for yourselves, Journey readers. If "The Final Solution To The Jewish Question" (the official nomenclature from the Wansee Conference in early 1942 Germany) was wrong -WHICH IT WAS - then The Final Solution against the Palestinian people which has been going on for over 75 years, little by little, is JUST AS WRONG as was ethnic cleansing by the Waffen SS of some of the European Jews. Murder is murder, unequivocally, period!
Texans used to say, "Remember the Alamo!" Americans should be saying, "Remember the USS Liberty!"
Well, Cara, I saw Joy in HK's comment originally but seeing you repost it prompted me to join it. I'm glad somebody's reading the NYT so I don't have to.
Hello, Jeff. Glad you like the piece and thanks for joining in.
Thank you, J.R. Blessings upon you.