" . . . artist and writer with a PhD in American Studies . . . ". You'd know something about matters dealt with below. And you deserve more reader comments.


On related themes . . .

Of Washington's lost Ukrainian Proxy War to weaken Russia and pillage its resources, perhaps the greatest and most feckless imperial play, something of a progress update.

The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.


Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.


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Les, Thanks for the link to your essay, which I am perusing. Couldn't agree more with your assessment of the situation in Ukraine. Will this empire never die? Cheers! -C

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Moscow - BeiJing Strategy: Have Washington withdraw militarily from the rest of the world short of a chaotic outcome. So it appears.

Absorb most provocations. Manage down slowly.

Do nothing dramatic - ie: a fast and devastating defeat in Eastern Europe or the South China Sea that would invoke a hard, irrational response from The Masters of The Universe, say, the use of tactical nuclear weapons, a move that would always escalate.


Robert McNamara, from his book Blundering Into Disaster, 1987, was most concerned with battlefield, or tactical, nuclear weapons and most viewed strategic weapons as unusable.

Yet everywhere deployed and one use of a tactical nuclear weapon viewed as leading to unstoppable escalation.

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Sorry to be so late to the party, Cara. Daughter #3 stayed with me for a few days and left me with a case of bronchitis. I am at least partially healed so now I can share my wisdom(?), My reaction to your piece was first that it was the usual well written piece but my reactions were:

(1) Don't just stand there – DO SOMETHING! OK, like what? Well, I've given money to an organization that was buying olive trees for Palestinians to replace the ones cut down by the fucking settlers. There's also an organization called MPower change that does petitioning which is important because they're not going to listen to you and me. But, as Arlo said, Can you imagine 50 people a day, I say 50 people a day walkin' in sangin' a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walkin out? They might think it's a movement.... and, finally, there's an organization called change.org. I was one of the first to sign on to and financially support the petition to get Pope Francis to go to Gaza through the Rafeh gate.

(2) "The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it." I know you've seen this quotation before but it's very important because here's a hint. The totalitarian state isn't Hamas.

(3) “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will.” It is too late for us.

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Dear Cara and your Journey readers, I'd like to share with you two links of radio programs concerning the genocide in Palestinian by the Neo-Nazi Zionist regime of Hitler wannabe, B. Netanyahu

Go to kpfa.org and on the top left corner click on the Menu link, then click on "Programs" from A to Z.

Both programs were broadcast on Monday, Nov 27, 2023 and are as timely as can be.

Scroll down to "The Ralph Nader Hour" and click on Itunes to the Nov. 27th program and you'll learn a great from Ralph and his guests.

The other program is "Flashpoints" with Dennis Bernstein, who interviewed international law professor, Francis Boyle on the first half hour. Very important info by the professor in my opinion. Same thing. Click on the Itunes for past programs and click on the Nov. 27 broadcast of "Flashpoints."

It's not complicated, folks.

BTW, thank you for writing this article, Cara, if only for the few truth seekers left in this jaded nation of ours.

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Frank, thank you for the comment and links!

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You're welcome, Cara! I hope you had a chance to listen to the two programs on www.kpfa.org as the "anti-Palestinian" diatribes in the U.S. and in Zinoist influenced England and Europe are getting worse, in spite of honest, peaceful people protesting and demonstrating against the murderous Zionist Nazi regime in Israel.

Several days ago, in Oakland, Ca., just south of Berkeley, about 600 people rallied in front of one of the federal buildings - and the kpfa.org news commentator said most of them were Jewish ( the honest, peace-loving ones who care for equal rights for all -my description, not the radio commentators) and said about 300 of them were arrested.

Very few people realize the power of "persuasion" the Jewish people have in the U.S. and in Western Europe, especially in England, as we saw what they did to Jeremy Corbyn for voicing his concerns for Palestinian rights.

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If the atrocities brings down the empire (finally), then these dead shall not have died in vain. I know there is greater awareness than usual, but I can't help but reflect on all the Ukraine flags on porches and social media in early 2021. I certainly don't see the same outrage and concern for the Palestinians. My senators and congressman have been given my opinion, and I must witness again their doing the opposite of what is in the true best interest of their constituents.

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According to news reports, 'earlier in the week, Pope Francis denounced the unleashing of Israeli violence in Gaza, saying that “we have gone beyond wars. This is not war. This is terrorism.”'

This ceasefire must be extended and made permanent. Not under oppressive conditions, but as a place where all live with peace and equality. It is time for Pope Francis to do more than talk. He must go to Gaza and make a stand for peace and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


This is one small thing we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Thank you, Joy in HK! The petition you started is truly inspiring.

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🙏🙏 thank you so much!

Please, if you can, help get more people to see, sign and share.

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"There are moments in history when we are called upon to act, when the price of failing to act is so great we risk forever relinquishing our moral and ethical ground. This is one such moment."

It certainly is.

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