She told it. Cara told it!

Very good narrative about the current state of affairs, Cara! Thank you!

And I like Jeff's comment, especially the quote from Eleanor (the activist) Roosevelt.

In the early days of the 20th century, the great feminist, anarchist, free-thinker, and peace advocate, Emma Goldman, was considered "the most dangerous woman in America" as she drew large audience around the US to hear her lecture, and was finally deported in the early 1920's as she spoke "Truth to Power" which upset the status quo of the oligarchs running the country.

Too bad our fellow citizens are too lazy to Think for themselves when it comes to politics and issues which will effect their lives, but seem to prefer the sound-bite propaganda, 24/7 of big corporate media, as if every word were true.. Not only is it sad, but dangerous in the long run.

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Too few people know of Emma Goldman. Thanks for your comment.

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Tell it! Tell it!

The other part of this pie is that you'll notice how long they were able to hector their representatives before being ushered out of the meeting without getting an answer. Elinor Roosevelt said that well behaved women rarely (or never) make history. I understand why she said women but the truth is that well behaved people rarely make history.

Unfortunately, politicians are usually idiots and assholes (a deadly combination). Here in remote N. Idaho a few years back, the county commissioners (def: county commissioner, a townie who won't live in the country but wants to tell those that do, what to do and doesn't understand why those of us that do live out in the country think they're full of shit.) decided to implement this brilliant idea from a mentally challenged solid waste supervisor to reduce the number of dumpster sites for the county to 5. They were going to pitch this in a public meeting which was totally unannounced hoping that no one would show up and they could slam dunk it. Ha!!! The fools hadn't counted on the Tribe which wasn't going to have any of this and the network of people who live here who weren't having it either. After a rather raucous meeting they left. They didn't move the dumpster site. Tim Curry who was the lead commissioner lost his bid for re-election and subsequently said, Well the voters didn't understand solid waste. No, Tim you didn't understand what the voters wanted.

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You tell it, my friend. Thanks!! :)

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